Empower people worldwide to tackle complex issues together
Co-create sustainable impact with Participatory Action Research
Boost Participatory Action Research worldwide
Enable people to become changemakers in their own lives

SevenSenses empowers people worldwide to tackle complex issues together and co-create the world they want to live in. We facilitate local stakeholders in this through Participatory Action Research, using local talent, manpower, materials and abundance. In this way, large groups, from all layers of society and system world, work together on their jointly designed, cost-effective solutions and innovations that truly fit their context and needs!

We conduct Partcipatory Action Research, provide trainings in PAR methodology, give public talks and more. Take a look! 

Healthy Cooking Challenge, Uganda 2015

What is PAR?

Participatory Action Research is an approach that bridges research and practice through combining the best of both. PAR allows people to together tackle complex problems in their daily (work) life and move towards their ideal world. PAR processes empower communities of all layers of society, leading to unexpected, yet extraordinary effective results.

The PAR Practitioners Program 2026 now open for subscription!

We are thrilled to announce that our brand new edition of the PAR Practitioners Program will commence in the beginning of 2026! Do you want to learn PAR skills and put it directly into practice? Come join us! Some fast facts: 

Start: Beginning of 2026
Duration: 3,5 months
Training days: 7 days, every other Monday 
Location: Utrecht University
Language: Dutch

If you’re interested in participating or would like more information, feel free to contact us!

PAR Practitioners Programma 2019
"No research without action and no action without research"
Kurt Lewin
Handboek Participatief Actieonderzoek 3e druk

Get our book

Want to know more? Read the book ‘Participatory Action Research – Working together for a better world‘ (3rd edition), written by Madelon Eelderink, founder of SevenSenses (in Dutch).

Let's join forces!

Are you facing a complex issue in your community, involving multiple stakeholders? Hire us for a Participatory Action Research!

Or do you prefer to become a Participatory Action Researcher yourself? Join one of our trainings or book us for an in-company training!

PAR Practitioners Program 2018

PAR projects

SevenSenses applies PAR in all kinds of settings, on all kinds of complex challenges, all over the world. Here you can find many of our Participatory Action Research projects performed since our establishment in 2013. Each project showcases the initial situation, outcomes, impact, team information, reports/blogs and to which Sustainable Development Goal it contributes. Comes in handy when you are looking for example PAR projects! 

Save our Sharks

A PAR on the ways in which local stakeholders can together improve marine ecosystem health and help save sharks around Saba island.  

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Mandarijnenmethode Moerwijk, PAO Gezond Moerwijk en Laak

Healthy Moerwijk and Laak

A Participatory Action Research to connect the system world and the living environment, so that residents, connectors, and professionals can together create a healthier neighborhood.

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