Empower people worldwide to tackle complex issues together
Co-create sustainable impact with Participatory Action Research
Boost Participatory Action Research worldwide
Enable people to become changemakers in their own lives

SevenSenses’ aim is to empower people worldwide to tackle complex issues together and co-create the world they want to live in. SevenSenses’ work -conducting Participatory Action Research worldwide- is focused on facilitating local people and involved stakeholders in co-discovering and developing sustainable solutions to tackle complex issues, using local talent, manpower, materials and abundance. As such, entire communities work together on co-designed, cost-efficient solutions and innovations which truly fit their context and needs!

Healthy Cooking Challenge, Uganda 2015

What is PAR?

Participatory Action Research is an approach that bridges research and practice through combining the best of both. PAR allows people to together tackle complex problems in their daily (work) life and move towards their ideal world. PAR processes empower communities of all layers of society, leading to unexpected, yet extraordinary effective results.

The PAR Practitioners Program 2025 now open for subscription!

We are thrilled to announce that our brand new edition of the PAR Practitioners Program will commence spring 2025! Do you want to learn PAR skills and put it directly into practice? Come join us! Some fast facts: 

Duration: 5 weeks and (optional) internship of 13 weeks
Training days: every Monday evening and Thursdays

The exact start date  will be announced around as soon as possible. If you’re interested in participating or would like more information, feel free to contact us.

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PAR Practitioners Programma 2019
"No research without action and no action without research"
Kurt Lewin
10 years SevenSenses

My goodness… SevenSenses is already 10 years old! I can’t escape the tendency to let some reflections run through my head. Then images pop up of the start of SevenSenses in 2013, with that man at the Chamber of Commerce who looked at me with a raised eyebrow while I stutteringly explained what Participatory Action Research is. And a father who made a kind of primal sound with wide eyes when I announced the existence of SevenSenses: “Whoaaaaah! Would that be a good idea in these times of economic crisis?!”

Still, it felt good, even though I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into with my well-meaning one-man business. 

Could I have known that 10 years later we would be working with an enormous network of Participatory Action Researchers and other passionate people?!

Read more,  of klik hier voor Nederlands

PAR projects

Through Participatory Action Research, SevenSenses accelerates the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Each PAR project indicates to which SDG(s) it contributes.


Street power

“Street Power” is a participatory action research project that has contributed to an improved approach to juvenile reclassification. The PAR focused on investigating elements that,

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Let's join forces!

Are you facing a complex issue in your community, involving multiple stakeholders? Hire us for a Participatory Action Research!

Or do you prefer to become a Participatory Action Researcher yourself? Join one of our trainings or book us for an in-company training!

PAR Practitioners Program 2018
PAO boek 2e druk

Get our book

Want to know more? Read the book ‘Participatory Action Research – Working together for a better world‘ (2nd edition), written by Madelon Eelderink, founder of SevenSenses (in Dutch).