How a Participatory Action Researcher would address deforestation issues
By Madelon Eelderink, founder of SevenSenses This blog was created during the Ecosystem Restoration Design training that Madelon attended in 2024 and is part of
By Madelon Eelderink, founder of SevenSenses This blog was created during the Ecosystem Restoration Design training that Madelon attended in 2024 and is part of
By Madelon Eelderink, founder of SevenSenses This blog was created during the Ecosystem Restoration Design training that Madelon attended in 2024 and is part of
By SevenSenses founder Madelon Eelderink Nederlands, graag! Last year I excitedly started the Ecosystem Restoration Design Course on Earth Day. Well, now that it has
By Madelon Eelderink Dutch, please! People often ask me, “How do I get people motivated to participate in my project?” “How do I create support?”
Nederlands, graag! “Madelon, what exactly is the difference between Participatory Action Research and other projects we do at the municipality?” Sometimes you get those questions
In het Nederlands, graag! So many people, so many perspectives…. When dealing with complex social problems, we are often unaware of the enormous number of
Voor Nederlands klik hier My goodness… SevenSenses is already 10 years old! I can’t escape the tendency to let some reflections run through my head.
Door: Evert Jan van Hasselt Een tijdje geleden sprak ik een boer in Westbroek. Een melkveehouder die op een duurzame manier wil boeren. Hij heeft
By Evert Jan van Hasselt Climate change is not a threat to this planet. This planet will survive, one way or another. Climate change is
Evert Jan made visible what SevenSenes is meaning by: “we view society as a collection of ecosystems.”