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Project details

Start date: March 2nd 2015
Status: Finished
Duration: 3 months
Country: Uganda
Coordinator: Madelon Eelderink
Partner organisation: Comedev

PAR Report

Family Planning Challenge

A qualitative and quantitative research on family planning and contraception in Kampala, Uganda.

Project team


Despite the wide spread knowledge and efficacy of family planning, use of family planning services remains low in Uganda. Therefore it is remarkable that no substantive research has been done to the perspectives of health care providers, with regard to the barriers for women to using family planning services. Four students of the VU University Amsterdam joined the Family Planning Challenge for their graduation project. Due to restrictions of the VU University, this Challenge could not be PAR. Instead, the team performed qualitative as well as quantitative research with each separate research questions within the subject of family planning. Their main question: What recommendations can be given with regards to family planning policies from the perspective of the target group and other stakeholders, in Kampala, Uganda?

PAR Design


Understanding the perspectives of local Kampala residents on ‘family planning and birth control’ and the motivations of people of reproductive age for whether or not or not using contraceptives.

4 theses (Free University) and policy advice for future programs was issued to the local organization Comedev, one of them published here, see left blue column.

Project images