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Project details

Start date: Oktober 2021
Status: Afgerond
Duration: 9 maanden
Country: Nederland

Street power

“Street Power” is a participatory action research project that has contributed to an improved approach to juvenile reclassification. The PAR focused on investigating elements that, in everyday practice, contribute to preventing ‘young recruits’ and ‘rising stars’ from further sliding towards organized crime, but rather can increase their opportunities for the future.

Project team


Youth probation and chain partners in Amsterdam come into contact with so-called ‘young recruits’ and ‘rising stars’ of criminal networks. From practice, it is known that these young people are at risk of sliding further into organized crime. Especially young people with mild intellectual disabilities are particularly vulnerable due to their susceptibility. At the moment, youth probation workers (JR workers) and professionals working with partners in the city are insufficiently able to prevent them from further sliding and to extricate them from organized crime.

PAR Design


A participatory action research into effective elements that contribute to preventing young recruits and rising stars from further sliding towards organized crime.
From a need for a specialized, intensive, and integrated approach to better and earlier identify these young people and effectively help them, the Youth Protection Region Amsterdam (JBRA), the William Schrikker Youth Protection and Youth Probation (WSS JB&JR), and the Expertise Center William Schrikker (ECWS) jointly started a ‘workshop’. In this workshop, science and practice (through PAO) worked hand in hand on a new approach.


The PAR has contributed to the development of a specialized, intensive, and integrated approach; a concrete methodology used by youth probation workers in guiding young people who come into contact with justice. Both the substantive elements and themes for a successful trajectory as well as the supportive conditions are incorporated into this new ‘approach’. This Street Power approach is being further developed with the aim of being used nationally as an intensive variant of youth probation.