Madelon Eelderink wins Pitch contest Seats2Meet

SevenSenses wins pitch contest

On November 27th, Seats2Meet celebrated its 10th anniversary. This day was celebrated with all kind of activities aimed at the rapidly changing and dynamic society and connect each other’s networks more intensively. One of the activities was a pitch contest in which you had to convince your audience within three minutes that you have the solution of a problem or need in the context of future proof business.

Evert-Jan van Hasselt and Madelon Eelderink participated in this contest on behalf of SevenSenses. Evert-Jan tried to convince the audience about new leadership that builds network organizations and Madelon about solving social issues in developing countries and The Netherlands by Participatory Action Research.

A professional jury chose Madelon and Evert-Jan, from which the audience could choose a winner via voting by using their mobile phones. After a few seconds Madelon was announced as winner. A happy Madelon received the S2M box, containing various gifts from the S2M network.

(picture made by Kelvin van der Tuin, Kelvision)