Training Participatief Actieonderzoek, PAO-team MeerZicht in Actie

PAR Methods Training

Whereas in Full PAR Trainings you get to train yourself in all PAR skills and multiple methods for each of the PAR stages, sometimes you just want to zoom into one specific PAR Method! Therefore, SevenSenses offers multiple trainings in specific methods of PAR. Here you will find all methods our experienced SevenSenses Certified PAR Trainers currently provide training in. Is the method you want to be trained in not listed? Don’t hesitate to contact us! You will not be the first for who we make a customized training for a specific PAR method.

Interview training. Get your questions right. Get a comfortable atmosphere. Get people to be open with you. Become a PAR interviewing master!

Focusgroup training. Become a master in facilitating focus group sessions in multiple PAR stages!

Transect Walks training. Do your interviews while walking, and get the best results!

Village Mapping training. Have your PAR participants draw beautiful and informative village maps of your PAR area and get their perspective on the area of research.

PhotoVoice training. Gain insight in people’s perspectives through their camera lenses!

Visualisations training. Worried about how to present the results of your System Exploration? Become a true visualization master, who knows what the best ways are to have your PAR community get those valuable ‘Eureka!’ moments, drawing their own conclusions and gaining ownership over solutions.

During the PAR Practitioners Program you will learn the highlights of each of these methods and practice them shortly. During the Methods specifics trainings as listed above you will learn all about the method and have plenty of time to practice your skills!

On the SevenSenses YouTube channel you will also find multiple PAR methods explained.


PAO boek 2e druk

The methods are also explained in our Handbook Participatory Action Research (in Dutch). Order it here!





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