Caroline van Jaarsveld


Caroline van Jaarsveld

Caroline van Jaarsveld is a Participatory Action Researcher at SevenSenses. She followed the training at the SevenSenses Academy in the period from May 2023 to March 2024. Since her studies in Policy and Management in Healthcare, Caroline has been active in various roles and positions to take what is needed for vulnerable target groups, as starting point in policy and implementation. For example, she thought about new concepts of small-scale nursing home care from the perspective of residents and family, she guided a transition from supply- to demand-oriented care, she organized dialogue sessions between family members and healthcareprofessionals, strengthened the role of key figures in multicultural neighborhoods and provided successful debt services by experienced experts. She noticed that in our current society it is becoming increasingly less common to bring together the world of ordinairy people and that of rules and systems. It’s not obvious to make optimal use of each other’s knowledge and experience: “We are losing each other, which is increasingly putting pressure on quality of life and work”.

That is why she decided to work as an independent advisor on ‘community-up’ thinking and working on social issues. Participatory Action Research is perfect for her because she is a good listener, has an eye for different perspectives and finds equality in relationships is very important.

From April 1st, 2024, Caroline became active as an action researcher at the FNO’s Samen Kansrijk en Gezond program in Alphen aan de Rijn. She also supervises projects aimed at citizen involvement with organizations active in the field of housing, care and welfare. Moreover she’s involved in action research by the Kenniswerkplaats Sociaal Domein Zuid Holland Zuid into a dementia-friendly society.


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+31 6 10 49 28 15