Milica & Magdalena van 2busy2day


Milica and Magdalena

Milica and Magdalena are Online Business Managers at SevenSenses. They arrange and organize all kinds of things for SevenSenses behind the scenes, such as arranging financial matters and administration, organizing practical matters for the PAR Practitioners Program, composing newsletters such as the SevenSenses E-Zine and SevenSenses Stories. Interviewing the project team members about their experiences using PAR in the field is also a part of the job. They started their own company 2Busy2Day in January of 2021, from where they perform their activities for SevenSenses. Milica has a background in Hotel- and Eventmanagement and her heart lies in hospitality. She gets energy from helping people in the broadest sense of the word.
Magdalena has a background in the legal field and she has a soft spot for numbers. This is why they complement each other so well.

Fun fact: they are nieces!

Milica and Magdalena:

“We are impressed by the big amount and variety in projects conducted by the team of SevenSenses and their outcomes. The members are giving their hearts and souls which is very inspiring. Great to be part of this team!”