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Project details

Start date: Februari 2022
Status: Afgerond
Duration: Acht maanden
Country: Nederland
Partner organisation: MO Den Bosch, Gemeente Den Bosch

Sustainable Development Goals

Good health and well/being

peace justice and strong institutions

reduced inequalities

PAR Report

A Healthy and Safe Sex Work Sector in Den Bosch

Shaping a healthy and safe sex work sector in Den Bosch through Participatory Action Research.

Project team


The municipality of Den Bosch is seeking an appropriate approach and policy to shape a healthy and safe sex work sector in Den Bosch. The Sex Worker Action Research Project (SWARP) facilitates the process through Participatory Action Research (PAR), where all stakeholders work together to find, develop, and implement solutions to bring about positive change. With this approach, sex workers, the municipality, healthcare organizations, police, regulators, operators, housing corporations, and all other stakeholders can collectively shape a healthy and safe sector in Den Bosch. The aim of the action research is to co-create and implement plans for a healthy and safe sex work sector in Den Bosch with stakeholders.

PAR Design


This Participatory Action Research focuses on the question: What plans can stakeholders co-create and implement to shape a healthy and safe sex work sector? To answer this question, we first inventoried the current situation and the desired situation. We asked all participants what they believe is necessary for a healthy and safe sex work sector. This included needs, solutions, motivations, and assets.

All participants agree that the current sex work policy in Den Bosch is outdated and does not contribute to a healthy and safe sex work sector. One solution is an up-to-date policy that prioritizes contact with sex workers over repression. A key requirement for a healthy and safe sex work sector is collaboration. Not only between different organizations involved but especially with sex workers and experts by experience. They form an important bridge to the local sex worker community. Finally, besides an up-to-date policy, a transparent policy is also important. So that sex workers know their rights and obligations, but also where they can turn to if they have questions.

These three topics overlap. Together, they form important principles for a healthy and safe sex work sector in Den Bosch and the region. In the focus group meetings, we explored the topics together and formulated associated actions. Some actions were immediately implemented, while other solutions require more time and attention.


Through dialogue, an important change has been initiated during the action research. Participants agree that updating the policy is necessary for a healthy and safe sex work sector. They are also discussing the implementation of prostitution controls. Actions have been formulated to develop a new policy. It is clear that participants want to do this together. So, employees of the Municipality of Den Bosch, together with sex workers, experts by experience, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders. Concrete steps have been taken in the collaboration between parties during the action research. Sometimes simply by exchanging contact information and getting to know each other during the course of the action research. This collaboration is ensured through agreements for quarterly meetings with all partners. In addition to experts by experience, various sex workers also participate in these meetings. They form an important bridge to the sex worker community. For sex workers to be able to work healthily and safely, there is an important role for experts by experience and the community itself. They can only do this if they are also financially supported by the partners in collaboration. They can pick up and pass on signals to the municipality, (healthcare) agencies, and the police. When these changes are implemented, it is also important to communicate them in an accessible, transparent manner to sex workers. So that they also know their rights and obligations. And where they can turn to for help or advice. This way, a healthy and safe sex work sector can be shaped for all sex workers in Den Bosch and the region!

“Sex workers are the ones who have the greatest interest in a sector where all sex workers are safe. They are also the ones who know this world best. In Den Bosch, the knowledge, experience, and expertise of sex workers will now be taken into account before new policy is developed. Sex workers actively participate in shaping the new policy, from the very beginning.”

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