A PAR to improve livelihoods of locals living in South Luangwa National Park as well as intercultural exchange between them and visitors, based on mutual respect and equality.
From this PAR, two focus points for local initiatives were identified. The first goal was to diminish corruption within the local communities and the second to further develop the community by generating income through local initiatives.
In order to fight local (small-scale) corruption, workshops were set up to establish awareness. In all of the surrounding communities one person was selected to join a regional council, as representatives of the communities. This joining of forces resulted in a stronger voice and everybody to be able to address corruption on a higher scale, like in organizations that wouldn’t listen to one person but would to this group of representatives.
This PAR and the enormous drive of the community inspired Challenge Coordinator Geertje Lavrijssen to set up her own sustainable travel agency Meant to Be Travels, offering personal travels to get to know the local community and enjoy Zambia.