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Project details

Start date: June 16th 2014
Status: Finished
Duration: 12 weeks
Country: Uganda
Coordinator: Madelon Eelderink
Partner organisation: Twekembe

PAR Report

Twekembe Water Challenge

A Participatory Action Research about tackling a contaminated water and sanitation problem with the community in Wakiso district, Bukijje and Ndikuttamadda zone, Kampala, Uganda.


Project team


In Wakiso district, Bukijje and Ndikuttamadda zone, Kampala, Uganda, about 10.000 slum dwellers make use of one contaminated water well, causing waterborne diseases among many people of which 0-5 year olds are mostly affected. The leader of the local organization Twekembe stated that people want to keep the water well clean, but need a leader to guide them in this; yet nobody seems to take up this role. See also the video below.

PAR Design


Through PAR, five new volunteer leaders were appointed by the community to guide the -with community members and leaders- co-created plan to tackle water contamination in the area. Activities included cleaning the water well, constructing a new funnel and education and awareness raising activities regarding cleanliness and health. See the report of this Challenge for more information.


In 2022 the water well has been further improved, resulting in clean, pure water for the community. Participatory Action Researcher Steve Brown says about this:

“The communities’ reaction is very positive, since they are now having pure and clean water for their domestic purposes. They appreciated the work done together with the fundraisers. Thank you said by the community members!”

Health outcomes and further impact have not been measured yet.

Project images