Mischa Tydeman



Mischa Tydeman

Mischa is certified Participatory Action Researcher at SevenSenses. She successfully completed the SevenSenses PAR Practitioners Program 2019. Mischa conducted her first Participatory Action Research in Tilburg, together with Participatory Action Researcher Minke Dijkstra. Their PAR focuses on sex work and stigma in the municipality of Tilburg. A second PAR on sex work and stigma followed in 2022, in Den Bosch. Mischa is also co-founder of PeepShowHoes, a peepshow on wheels: a combination of design, art and theatre, to celebrate sexual freedom together with sex workers and allies. An increasing visibility of sex workers will lead to normalizing and more understanding, in turn leading to an increase of acceptance in society. So that all people, in all their diversity will be accepted in a way that they will in actual fact feel free to be who they are openly.


“Sex workers are the first ones who profit from a sector without violence and exploitation. They are also the ones who know the sector best. Their knowledge, experience and expertise is of utmost importance. A Participatory Action Research is the perfect methodology to search together with sex workers and other stakeholders to positive, creative and practical solutions”


Mischa was interviewed by online newspaper ‘De Gelderlander’ about her work with the PeepShow. See the video!