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Project details

Start date: September 2019
Status: Loopt
Duration: 2 jaar
Country: Nederland
Coordinator: Anneke van Londen
Partner organisation: AenO fonds Gemeenten, Publiek Werkt Samen

Sustainable Development Goals

Control over Letting Go

A project by A&O Fund for Municipalities where 10 pilot municipalities carry out PAR both within and outside municipal walls.

Project team


“Grip op Loslaten” is a project initiated by the A&O Fund for Municipalities involving ten municipalities. The aim is to help municipalities discover how they can approach societal and municipal developments in a different way through collaborative thinking and working – the “We-Work” approach. The method to initiate this “We-Work” is Participatory Action Research (PAR). Over the course of five days, organizations – in teams of sixteen participants – are trained in Participatory Action Research, and they conduct their PAR both within and outside municipal boundaries for a period of about a year. During the execution of their PAR, they are supported by SevenSenses and Publiek Werkt Samen.

PAR Design


Experiences from the municipalities:







For further information on the outcomes of “Grip op Loslaten,” please refer to the We-Work page of the A&O Fund for Municipalities, where two videos about the results of Grip op Loslaten are available.

Project images