Wout Peters



Wout Peters

Wout is Participatory Action Researcher and -trainer at SevenSenses. He joined the PAR Practitioners Program 2020 and is since then totally PAR-minded. After years of experience in intensive care as an ambulance nurse, he successfully specialized in Healthy Aging. The PAR Practitioners Program of the SevenSenses Academy gave this Master Healthy Aging professional the in-depth knowledge he had been looking for for years. Since then, Wout has been conducting Participatory Action Research from the local health center in Veendam, on the subject of the movement from Sickness & Care to Health & Behavior (van Ziekte & Zorg naar Gezondheid & Gedrag, van ZZ naar GG). The ideas, plans and actions that are in co-creation are very promising. The movement from ZZ to GG has already been set in motion at the start of the PAR. This means that PAR can no longer be ignored in Wout’s work. He thinks and acts in PAR. For more information, see the website of Stichting Ikibuntu.


“Give PAR space, and you will get the universe!”


Read about the outcomes of Wout his PAR “van Ziekte & Zorg naar Gezondheid & Gedrag”

Read about Margit van Boheemen her interview with Wout.