Building sense of ownership as source of motivation among stakeholders
By Madelon Eelderink Dutch, please! People often ask me, “How do I get people motivated to participate in my project?” “How do I create support?”
By Madelon Eelderink Dutch, please! People often ask me, “How do I get people motivated to participate in my project?” “How do I create support?”
Nederlands, graag! “Madelon, what exactly is the difference between Participatory Action Research and other projects we do at the municipality?” Sometimes you get those questions
In het Nederlands, graag! So many people, so many perspectives…. When dealing with complex social problems, we are often unaware of the enormous number of
In English, please! Zoveel mensen, zoveel perspectieven… Als we met complexe maatschappelijke problemen te maken hebben zijn we ons vaak niet bewust van de enorme
Do you remember the last time you talked with a complete stranger? I mean, not like asking where to find the toilet, but an actual
The Agnites Vrolik Award 2018 is an initiative of UtrechtUniversity to reward the one who’s (scientific) work has the most impact on society. The prize: €25.000,-
SevenSenses strongly believes that Participatory Action Research (PAR) increases the quality of development cooperation worldwide. PAR adapts to any local situation, empowering communities to tackle
I often get the question what Participatory Action Research (PAR) actually entails. “Research, so you are going to collect data and deliver a report to
Imagine, someone knocks on the door. It’s a person you have never seen before. Different skin colour, different clothes, different hair, funny accent… He says